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Street Fighter 6
  • Platforms: PS5 + Xbox Series - All matches will be on 120hz monitors
  • Game settings: 2 out of 3 rounds per game, 99 second time limit, Modern or Classic controls allowed, commentary OFF, Input Delay Reduction ON, Motion Blur OFF
  • Game sets will be best of 3, and best of 5 for Top 8
  • Winner must keep character
  • Losing player may switch character
  • Random stage select (players may opt for an agreed stage)
  • Players may choose to use Button Release Input ON or OFF
  • In the event of a tied match declared by a “Double K.O.”, the match will not be scored. Both players will replay the tied match with the same character selections and stage
  • All-button (aka leverless/hitbox) controllers must be set to Up+Down=Neutral and Left+Right=Neutral. This may be checked at random based on TO discretion or the request of an opposing player