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Game Version The official game version is NTSC 1.02 for the Nintendo Gamecube.

Game Settings Stocks: 4 Timer: 8 minutes Handicap: Off Damage Ratio: 1.0 Items: Off Pause: Off Friendly Fire: On

Stage List Stages are designated as either “Starters” or “Counterpicks.” Starter stages are available during Stage Striking (as defined in Section 1.1.6) and Counterpicks are only available during subsequent stage picks.

Starter Stages (Singles) Yoshi’s Story Fountain of Dreams Battlefield Dream Land 64 Pokémon Stadium

Counterpick Stages (Singles) Final Destination

    Starter Stages (Doubles)

Yoshi’s Story Final Destination Battlefield Dream Land 64 Pokémon Stadium

        Counterpick Stages (Doubles)


Match Procedure The following steps outline the process of playing a Match.

Players select their characters. Either Player may invoke Double Blind Character Selection (as defined in Section 1.1.5). Players may not use the Name Entry glitch to play as any other characters than those regularly selectable from the Character Select Screen. Decide stage strike order / port selection. Use Stage Striking to determine the first stage. The Players play the first Game of the Match. Winning Player of the preceding Game bans a stage (bo3 sets only). The losing Player of the preceding Game picks a stage for the next Game. The winning Player of the preceding Game may choose to change characters. The losing Player of the preceding Game may choose to change characters. The next Game is played. Repeat steps 4 through 9 for all subsequent Games until the Match is complete.

Double Blind Character Selection Either Player may request a double-blind character before the beginning of a set. This must be requested before both players have plugged in their controllers and selected characters. In this situation, a Tournament Organizer (“TO”) or pool captain will be told, in secret, each of the Players’ choices for the first Game. Both Players are to then select their first Game character, with the Tournament Organizer or pool captain validating the character selections.

Stage Striking and Port Selection Players either get to select a controller port first or strike a stage first. If Players do not mutually agree on their preference, they must play a Best-of-One Match of Rock Paper Scissors.

“Stage Striking” proceeds as follows: The Player with first strike strikes one stage from the starter list, followed by the other Player striking two stages, followed by the Player with first strike striking one more stage. The remaining stage from the Starter list is used for the first Game.

Stage Bans In a best-of-3 match: After each Game, before the next stage is selected, the Player who won the preceding Game bans a stage from either the Starter list or the Counterpick list. The banned stage cannot be selected by the opponent for the next Game.

In a best-of-5 match: There are no stage bans.

For Genesis 8: Best-of-5 will begin at top 64 for singles and top 8 for doubles

Stage Clause A Player may not pick any stage they previously won a Game on during the Match, unless agreed on as below:

Mutual Agreement Players may select any stage from either the Starter or Counterpick lists if they both agree to it. Players may also ignore Stage Clause if both agree. Players may not agree to play on other stages or change the length of a Match or Game. In-game agreements made mutually between players (such as neutral starting positions) are strongly discouraged and are not enforceable by the TO. Mutual agreement to pre-determine the outcome of a Game or Match is collusion and is always forbidden and punishable by full disqualification from the bracket and forfeit of any prize money.

Sudden Death If a Game goes to Sudden Death, the winner is determined by stocks and percentage at the time the Game ends. When the timer hits 0:00, the Player with the higher stock count is the winner. If both Players are tied in stocks the Player with the lower percentage is the winner. In the event of a percentage tie, or a Game in which both players lose their last stock simultaneously, a tiebreaker will be played on the same stage for one stock and 2 minutes. The results of Sudden Death do not count.

Permitted Controllers The recommended controller of choice is a wired Gamecube controller. Turbo functions, macros, and hardware modifications (other than case modifications, such as notches and cosmetic changes) are banned. Exceptions include snapback modifications and PODE fixes. Box styled controllers are permitted provided they are updated to the latest firmware of their producer. Tournament organizers have the right to inspect any controller at any time and determine its legality.

Genesis 8 will provide a controller fix that is functionally identical to UCF

Neutral Ports A player may request “Neutral Ports” meaning the following port configuration is used for each stage.

Singles: Stage Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Final Destination X X

Fountain of Dreams X X

Yoshi’s Story X X

Dream Land 64


X Battlefield

X X Pokémon Stadium


Doubles: Stage Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Final Destination Team A Team B Team A Team B Yoshi’s Story Team A Team B Team B Team A Dream Land 64 Team A Team B Team B Team A Battlefield Team A Team B Team B Team A Pokémon Stadium Team A Team B Team B Team A

Warm-ups Warm-up periods and controller tests may not exceed 60 seconds on the in-game timer. Violation of this rule may result in an automatic forfeit at the discretion of Tournament Organizers.

Colorblind Clause A player may request that their opponent(s) take steps to make their character(s) distinct in order to accommodate color blindness, or if their color is indistinguishable from either the other team color. If in Doubles, a player may request that the opposing team switch colors so that they may distinguish between teams. (in the case of colorblindness this will usually result in the two teams wearing the Red and Blue colors).

Grab-n-Go Clause Players cannot touch their teammate's controller or control their partner's character by any other means during a doubles game.

Match Disruptions

Pauses If a Player either intentionally or accidentally pauses the Game by either pressing the start button or unplugging his or his opponent’s controller, the Player who paused forfeits a stock. The penalty may be increased to a multiple stock forfeiture or a Game forfeiture at the discretion of the TO.

Restarts The Tournament Organizers may approve a Game restart due to exceptional circumstances, such as a power outage. Stalling Stalling, or excessively delaying the Game or Match, may result in a Game or Match forfeit at the discretion of Tournament Organizers. Players may stall for the purposes of waiting out a particular transformation on Pokémon Stadium. Stalling must end when the neutral transformation returns, as indicated by the icon shown on the in-game screen.

1.2.4 Freeze Glitch Activating the Freeze Glitch with the Ice Climbers is not allowed; penalties may or may not be enforced at TO discretion.

1.2.5 Wobbling Wobbling is banned in singles. Wobbling is defined as a sequence of more than 3 player-controlled pummels by the player-controlled Ice Climber between each of which the opponent is hit with any number of non-pummel hitboxes by the other Climber, plausibly locking them in continuous grab hitstun.

Misinterpretation / Misconfiguration If a game was played under a misconfiguration of the Game settings, as described in Section 1.1.2, that could have materially affected the result of the game, a player may petition the TO to have that game replayed. The final decision is at the discretion of the TO. This must be done immediately after the game in question; after the next game is started, the previous game shall not be replayed regardless of whether the rules were set correctly.

Coaching Coaching, defined as deliberately giving or receiving advice to/from another person during a Match, is not allowed and may result in penalties for both parties. Coaching is allowed between sets after a bracket reset in Grand Finals.

Penalties Players who break the rules in this document are subject to penalties including (but not limited to) the following: Match restart Loss of Game Loss of Match Prize money forfeiture

Any penalties imposed on a Player may be made available to the public by the Tournament Organizers in their sole discretion.


All Players are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and maintain respect for one another and for all TOs and spectators. Players are expected to play at their best at all times and to avoid any behavior inconsistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair play. Behavior that is considered to be inappropriate and in violation of the Code of Conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: Interfering with tournament operation; Acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person; Engaging in collusion (e.g., any agreement between two or more Players to pre-determine the outcome of a Game or Match); Cheating of any sort through any means; Intentionally delaying or slowing gameplay or tampering with gameplay in any other known or unknown manner; Offensive, vulgar or obscene gamertags; Sexism, ageism, racism or any other form of prejudice or bigotry; Engaging in violence or any activity which is deemed in the judgment of TOs to be immoral, unethical, disgraceful, or contrary to common standards of decency; Engaging in any activity that is illegal in the jurisdiction where the affected Player is located; Offering any gift or reward to a Player or TO for assistance designed to provide a competitive advantage to the person offering the gift or reward or designed to impose a competitive disadvantage on any opponent; Using any language or wearing any clothing or apparel that is obscene, foul, vulgar, insulting, threatening, abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory or otherwise offensive or objectionable, or promotes or incites hatred or discriminatory conduct; Taking any action or performing any gesture directed at an opposing Player, official or spectator, or inciting any other individuals to do the same, which is insulting, mocking, disruptive or unsportsmanlike; Touching or otherwise interfering with consoles, TVs, lights, cameras or other tournament and/or production equipment; Engaging in any other type of behavior or conduct deemed inappropriate by the Tournament Organizers in their sole discretion; or Otherwise violating these rules.