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Event Rules

Tournament Format:

Game Version: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate played on a Nintendo console (e.g., Nintendo Switch using the Nintendo Switch Online service or via emulation).

Rules 3 Stocks 7 Minutes Hazards Off 1-2-1 Strikes 3 Bans No DSR

Stagelist and Ruleset

Battlefield Final Destination Hollow Bastion Pokemon Stadium 2 Small Battlefield

Counterpicks Kalos Pokemon League Smashville Town and City

Tournament Rules

Tournament Format:

  1. Game Version: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate played on a Nintendo console (e.g., Nintendo Switch using the Nintendo Switch Online service or via emulation).

  2. Game Settings:

    • Stock: 4
    • Time Limit: 8 minutes
    • Handicap: Off
    • Damage Ratio: 1.0
    • Items: Off and None
    • Team Attack: On
    • Pause: Off (except for legitimate emergencies, and only with opponent's consent)
  3. Starter Stages: The following stages are legal for the first match of a set:

    • Battlefield
    • Final Destination
    • Yoshi's Story
    • Dream Land
    • Pokémon Stadium
  4. Counterpick Stages: The following stages are available as counterpick stages after the first match of a set:

    • Fountain of Dreams
    • Rainbow Cruise
    • Mute City
    • Yoshi's Island
    • Other stages that may be included depending on the ruleset of the Nintendo platform used.
  5. Character Selection:

    • Double-blind character selection is allowed.
    • The winner of the previous match must select their character before the loser.
    • Players may not use "No Contest" to reselect characters after the stage has been picked.
  6. Stage Striking:

    • Players will perform a "Stage Strike" to determine the starting stage for the first match.
    • The player with the higher port number strikes one stage from the Starter Stages.
    • The other player then strikes two stages.
    • The player with the higher port number strikes the last remaining stage, which will be the starting stage.
  7. Additional Rules:

    • Wobbling (Ice Climbers infinite combo) is legal.
    • Stalling tactics (e.g., Jigglypuff's Rising Pound) are discouraged and subject to time constraints.
    • Players may not use glitches or tactics that result in an automatic win (e.g., Jigglypuff's "Rest" under the stage).
  8. Controller Rules:

    • Players may bring their own controllers.
    • Wireless controllers must be disconnected after each match.
    • Intentional interference with an opponent's controller is not allowed.
  9. Time Constraints:

    • If a match ends in a time-out, the player with the most remaining stock wins. If stocks are equal, the player with the least percentage wins. If percentage is equal, a 1-stock tiebreaker match will be played.
  10. Pausing: Pausing during a match may result in a loss of a stock, as determined by the opponent.

  11. Coaching: Coaching between games is allowed, but it must be kept to a reasonable duration. Excessive coaching may result in penalties.

  12. Gentleman's Clause: Players may agree to deviate from these rules by mutual consent.