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Cash Prizes! 60%-30%-10% Subscribe to Twitch.TV/JSpear to enter! Tournament Starts 7PM CST - Be in the chat to report!

No Character Bans General Rules Below:

Ruleset: 3 Stock Time Limit: 6-8 minutes Items: Off Stage Selection: Anyone Stage Hazard Toggle: Off Final Smash Meter: Off Spirits: Off [1] Damage Handicap: Off First to: 1 Win Launch Rate: 1.0x Underdog Boost: Off Score Display: Off % Show Damage: Yes

Universal Starters Battlefield* Final Destination* Pokémon Stadium 2 / Small Battlefield* Smashville

Counterpick Stages Yoshi's Story Lylat Cruise Kalos Pokémon League Town and City Northern Cave Hollow Bastion