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There are currently no Brackets for this event.
Game Rules
  • 3 stocks, 7 minutes
  • 1-2-1 striking
  • 3 bans no DSR
  • all matches are best of 3 except for Winners, losers, and grand finals
Stage List
  • Battlefield
  • Small Battlefield
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Smashville
  • Town and City
  • Kalos Pokémon League
  • Hollow Bastion
  • Final Destination

Hype Waves uses a modified version of the Panda Cup 2022 ruleset. The full document can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_utEtx4GgvF0Pr-XnOFjaJzJzYnDMzbg/view?usp=sharing