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There are currently no Brackets for this event.

This tournament will be running the VBGC ruleset:

Starter Stages:
  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Town and City
  • Pokemon Stadium 2
  • Smashville
  • Kalos Pokemon League

  • Small Battlefield

  • Hollow Bastion

  • Gentlemen to any stage in the game is encouraged this tournament :)

General Rules:
  • Stock: 3
  • Timer: 7:00
  • Handicap: Off
  • Team Attack: On
  • Launch Rate: 1.0x
  • Items: Off and None
  • FS Meter: Off
  • Damage Handicap: Off
  • Custom Balance: Off
  • Spirits: Off
  • Pause: Off
  • Stage Selection: Loser’s Pick
  • Stage Hazards: Off
  • Stage Morph: Off
  • Underdog Boost: Off
  • Score Display: Off
  • Show Damage: Yes
Additional Rules:
  • Best of 3, Top 3 is best of 5

  • Mii Fighters may use any combination of specials. You are required to notify your opponent of the specials used. Switching to a different set of special moves counts as a character change.

  • You play on any stage available in the game as long as both players agree to the stage choice.

  • In the event of lag, it will not be determined by a speed test. Either play it out, play on stream, or sort it out another way.

  • Any other rulings are at the judgement of the TO.

If you are here to snipe the tournament, you may go elsewhere. This is meant to be a fun tournament for the server. If you are found to be a sniper, you can be DQ'd and can be denied of the prize. This includes if you recently join only to participate in the tournament.