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Melee Game Settings
  • 4 Stocks
  • 8 Minutes
  • Items Off
Melee Stagelist


  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Yoshi’s Story
  • Dream Land
  • Fountain of Dreams


  • Pokémon Stadium
Melee Details

Striking: Players eliminate stages from the Neutral stagelist until there is one stage remaining. The first player strikes the first stage. Then the next player strikes two stages. Then the first player strikes one more stage and the remaining stage is used for the first game of the set.

Stage Bans: After each game of the set, before counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may ban one stage from the stagelist. This rule is not in effect for best-of-5 sets. Stage bans affect each player individually.

Stage Clause: A player may not counterpick any stage they previously won on during the set, unless agreed upon by the opponent.

Wobbling is banned. This event’s definition of wobbling is a series of moves (4+ pummel effects) by Ice Climbers from a standing grab position that infinitely lock the opponent in hitstun.

Final Rulings: If any unforeseen situations occur, judgment of the TOs is final. Rules may be altered between sets of a tournament in the best interests of the event.