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3 Stocks, 7:00 Minutes.

Picking Starting Stage:

RPS: Winner Bans 1, Loser Bans 2, Winner Picks Stage Starting Stages: PS2, Smashville, Final Destination, Battlefield, Town and City.

Winner of Game bans 2 stages from the entire stagelist, loser may pick any remaining stage from the stagelist. Starting Stages: PS2, Smashville, Final Destination, Battlefield, Town and City. Counterpicks: Kalos, Yoshi's Melee, Small Battlefield

Note: Lylat and Northern Cave are NOT tournament legal.

"Stupid" Rules" Best of 3: You may not return to a stage that you won on Best of 5: You may not return to a stage that you previously COUNTERPICKED to and won on.

$150 Pot Bonus Prizing Breakdown in the Description

Character Picks:

In Game 1 of every Set, you may ask for a double blind pick. You will each individually tell a TO who you are playing game 1, and the TO will assure that each player picks the specified character.