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There are currently no Brackets for this event.
Participation Rules
  • By joining the tournament series, you agree to abide by the rules outlined on this page. You also consent to having your tournament games streamed, clipped, and shared on related channels, forums, servers, social media and have content and artwork be made about you. Violation of any rules may result in penalties determined by the Protocol Team.
  • Protocol Team assistance is available for platform or game-related issues. If the issue is specific to your setup and takes more than 10 minutes to resolve, disqualification may occur.
  • Each match permits one unintentional crash, desync or disconnect within the first 10 minutes after one of the players check in. Beyond this timeframe, the Protocol Team will may determine the match's winner by considering the provided information and assessing the state of advantages or may allow for a rematch with specific conditions and time restrictions.
  • For larger, widespread issues impacting multiple participants, no penalties will be imposed, and announcements will be made to address and resolve the problem.
  • Respect for all participants is required. Harassment, witch hunts, sexism, racism, abuse, or hate speech will not be tolerated.
  • Any cheating, including the use of mods that allows for illegal inputs, mods that alters or adds information to the prediction system, mods or strategies that allow for intentional desync exploits, multiple account entries, bribing, player collusion, stream sniping, proxy players, or any actions against the spirit of the tournament, will result in a severe ban.
  • All mods on the "Competitive Essentials" Mod Collection created by VineRaio and found on Steam is tournament legal.
  • The Protocol Team and it's tournament organizers' word is final.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Protocol Team.