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empty bracket
There are currently no Brackets for this event.

General Event Rules

1) Pairings are battled via series (best-of-3 rounds). By default the following rules apply: Closed team sheets, unlocked teams between rounds, register 6 Pokémon (PKMN); match set to Level 50 (Normal Rules); no duplicate PKMN or items. Styles and formats may vary these rules.

2) IF APPLICABLE, you MUST pay the entry fee to @jayydubgaming to be entered into the tournament’s bracket. He accepts Apple Pay, Zelle, Cash App, and Venmo. (Cash App: $Jaywjr94)

3.) Coordinate with opponents in the Tournament's #scheduling channel. Rounds have deadlines, and failure to adequately coordinate with your opponent will incur a loss. The least accommodating Team incurs the loss.

Example: Player A, "I'm available from 0900-1700 Monday and 1400-1600 Tuesday" 10h Player B, "I'm available from 1700-0000 Monday and 1700-0000 Tuesday" 16h Conclusion: Player B was more available; will advance in the brackets.

4) If competitors are disconnected during the battle, that battle is counted as a draw and must be replayed with the same teams

5) If a PKMN team is discovered to be in violation of the rules, the rounds played with the violation count as a loss. The player with the infraction must correct the violation next round or forfeit. Further violations may escalate the “warning” loss of just the violated rounds, to an immediate tournament forfeiture.