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empty bracket
There are currently no Brackets for this event.

Match Procedures:

  1. Meet with TO to account details

  2. Log-in to provided account

  3. Follow Match Format

    Match Format:

    1. Start Fortnite

    2. Select Unranked Solo's FFA - Build Mode

    3. Wait for TO's to start que.

    4. Play match out

    5. Upon elimination click "Show match stats," call over a TO. So that match stats can be gathered *If match is left before a TO is called over, placement and elims can be gathered from replay history

    6. Wait for round completion

    7. Repeat for proceeding rounds


1st - 35 2nd - 28 Eliminations = 3 3rd - 23

4th - 18 5th - 16 6th - 14 7th - 13 Eliminations = 2 8th - 12 9th - 11 10th - 10

11th - 9 12th - 8 13th - 7 14th - 6 Eliminations = 1 15th - 5 16th - 4 17th - 19th - 3 20th - 29th - 2 30th - 39th - 1

Not following Match Format

Competitors that do not follow match format procedures will first receive a warning. Second offence will result in the current round being voided. Third offence will result in a DQ.

TO's reserve the right to remove/disqualify any competitor from the tournament on a case by case basis.