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empty bracket
There are currently no Brackets for this event.
Tournament will be played on PS5. If there are not enough PS5s to run the event in a timely manner, we will play on a mixture of PC and PS5.

We will be following the Tekken World Tour 2024 rules for this event. See more here.

Tournament Rules:

  • Double Elimination
  • Default Settings
  • 3/5 Rounds per Game
  • 2/3 Games per Set before Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals
  • 3/5 Games for Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals
  • Players select their sides. They may mutually agree on who sits on which side, and will remain there for the remainder of the set.
    • If the players cannot agree to a side selection, they must play a 2/3 rock paper scissors to determine who picks the sides.
  • Random stage for Game 1
  • Winner of prior game must keep same character
  • Each game in the set must be on a randomly selected stage.
  • Loser may switch characters, but must random select the stage
  • Please refrain from using the same preset as your opponent in the event of a mirror match
  • No customizing of colors, names, or items at any time before or during a tournament match
  • Special Style is allowed