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1 vs 1

Best of 3 Matches (Finals Best of 5)

Matches: Best of 5 Rounds

Settings: Tournament Mode

Variations: Tournament Mode Variations

Timer: 60 Seconds

Stage Select: Random (The match loser may choose the stage for subsequent rounds only if they decline to change characters)

Double Blind character selection available upon request.

The losing player of the preceding match may change characters, winner may not. If the match loser changes characters they must select “Random” stage on the next match.

Coaching is only allowed between matches.

Ties (Double K.O.) will be replayed with the same characters and stage.

No Pausing. Pausing by either player, accidental or purposeful will result in forfeiture of that round for the player that paused. Any unidentifiable disruptions in play will result in replay of that round.

No Stalling.

Standard controllers and fight sticks only. No turbo, macro or programmable controllers.

Configure bindings before match. Only one button check per match.

No use of cheats or known bugs.

Payout Info:

2-7 Entrants: Winner take all

8-15 Entrants: 1st - 70% 2nd - 30%

16-32 Entrants 1st - 60% 2nd - 30% 3rd - 10%

33 or more: 1st - 55% 2nd - 25% 3rd - 15% 4th - 5%