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-Stage list and striking rules-

mDSR in effect

-Starter- (Strikes: P1-P2-P1-P2.) Battlefield, Pokemon Stadium 3, Green Greens, Gerudo Valley, Palutena's Temple.

-Counter- (Strikes: W-W-W. Loser's choice.) Sky Sanctuary Zone, Mishima Dojo, Midgar, Arena Ferox, Kalos Pokemon League.

Not sure about a stage layout? Find out more here!

Starter: Battlefield = Triplat. Pokemon Stadium 3 = HDR's version of PS2. Green Greens = Hollow Bastion. Gerudo Valley = Asymmetrical Biplat. Palutena's Temple = 2 platforms that move from left to right.

Counter: Sky Sanctuary = Swinging single plat. Close side blast zones. Mishima Dojo = Mishima Dojo: Quadplats that are smaller towards the top. Close top blast zone. Midgar = BF -> Inverted -> Flat triplat. Large blast zones Arena Ferox = FD, BF, Quad Plat, Monoplat, Biplat. High top blast zone. Kalos Pokemon League = (Fire/Biplat), (Water/Single Plat), (Steel/FD), (Dragon/Flat Triplat),