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empty bracket
There are currently no Brackets for this event.

Format Structure

WIRED CONNECTIONS ONLY. Players found using a wireless connection will be DQ’d from the tournament (no exceptions)
Matches will be Best 2 out of 3 Games per Set (FT2)
Winners/Losers/Grand Finals, will be best 3 out of 5 games per Set (FT3)
This is a Double Elimination Bracket.

Tournament Rules

Game settings: Rounds: 3 out of 5 Rounds, with a 60 Seconds Time Limit
Stage must be random select at all times.
Winner must keep the same character
Loser of prior game may switch characters.
If a tied Match declared by a “Double KO.” on the Game screen, the Match will not be scored and both Players will replay the tied Match with the same character selections and stage.