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Event Rules

  • System: PlayStation 4
  • best 3 of 5 games per set
  • Winner of prior game must keep same characters and assists for the next game but may change order.
  • Loser of prior game may switch characters, assists, and order.
  • The stage selection must be Bonne Wonderland unless players agree to play on a different stage.
  • Auto Super Jump is banned.

Tournament Rules

The general event rules in this section apply to all games unless noted otherwise in the game-specific rule sections. Please makes sure to read and be familiar with BOTH the general rules and individual games rules. These rules are tentative.

Tournament Structure: Brackets will be ran in a double elimination format. Individual sets will generally consist of a best-of-3 games format until Winners Final, Losers Final, and Grand Final, which will be best-of-5 instead. Check individual game rules for exceptions. Brackets with very low turnout (5 players or fewer) may be ran in a round robin format instead of double elimination.

Tournament Etiquette: Competitors are expected to check-in with their pool runners at least 5 minutes before the starting time for that pool. You should not leave the tournament area without first asking permission from the bracket runner. You will be disqualified if you do not report to your matches in a timely manner. The bracket runner will instruct the players on who they play against next, when, and on what console station. The winner of each match must report their victories to the bracket runner so that they can be recorded in the bracket.

Game Version: The latest version of each game and the most recent patches will be used unless noted otherwise. DLC characters will be permitted so long as they have been made available for at least one week prior to the event's starting date. Default game settings (timer, damage, handicap, etc.) will be used unless noted otherwise in the game-specific rules.

Controller Legality: You must provide your own controller for any game that you play. Controllers and converters that adhere to the EVO controller guidelines are legal for this event. Generally speaking, controllers and converters that map one physical input on the hardware side to one distinct game input on the software side are allowed, but any controller or converter that has programmable/macro functions to map a single physical input on the hardware side to a combination or sequence of game inputs on the software side is banned. For some specific examples: Brook converters are allowed, but Cronus brand and Titan One / ConsoleTuner converters are banned. Controllers and sticks with turbo buttons are permitted for use, but the turbo functions must remain disabled during tournament matches. The legality of all specific controllers and converters will be left to the tournament staff's discretion. We especially encourage players with leverless (Hitbox style) controllers to read the EVO rules in detail, particularly as they pertain to simultaneous opposite cardinal directions (SOCD) and the mapping of analog values to digital inputs.

Control Configuration Options: All configurable button settings and macros available within the in-game controller configuration menu (ex: 3-punches combination mapped to a single shoulder button) are allowed. Hardware programmable input entry, rapid-fire, or other hardware assisted mechanisms are strictly forbidden.

Controller Desyncing for Playstation Games: When you sit down for your match, it is YOUR responsibility to delete the old controller pairings from the previous matches, NOT the responsibility of the players who were previously on that station. THIS APPLIES TO ALL PLAYERS, NO MATTER WHAT TYPE OF CONTROLLER THAT YOU USE (stick, wired pad, wireless pad, etc). Make sure to delete all unused bluetooth devices from the system menu whenever you get ready to play a tournament match. If a non-competitor's controller disrupts your match, then you or your opponent must delete that controller from the system, then continue playing as if there was no interference. If a disruption turns off the system entirely, then you must replay the game that was interrupted from the start, using the same settings (characters, stage, etc) and maintaining the current game & set win count up to the start of the game that was interrupted. Please ask tournament staff for assistance if you're not familiar with the process of desyncing controllers; we're happy to help.

Audio Equipment: Some tournament stations may have external speakers or mixamps provided for the player's convenience, but we cannot promise that they will be available for every station. For stations that do not have audio equipment already provided, players may connect their own audio gear (such as headphones, mixamps, and/or external speakers) to the tournament stations so that they can more easily hear the in-game audio. However, any audio equipment that interferes with other tournament equipment or impedes the other player's ability to hear the game audio (such as muting the monitor audio output) is not permitted. If both players wish to use their own headsets but have no way to connect both of their equipment at the same time, then they must rock-paper-scissors for the privilege of using it in game 1 of the set, with the loser of each game having the option to use his or her equipment in the next game of the set. Players MUST notify their bracket judge before connecting any equipment to the tournament stations that isn't a controller, and players are NOT allowed to unplug any equipment at a tournament station to make room for their own equipment. Players are only allowed to use equipment that does NOT require power from a wall socket; such devices must either be self-powered or simply require a connection to the console and/or monitor to function.

Match Start and Character Select:

Side Select: When players sit down to begin their match, they must make a selection on who will be player 1 (left side) and player 2 (right side). If they cannot come to an agreement, then they must rock-paper-scissors for the choice.

Blind Pick: Blind pick may be requested before a set begins in order to prevent counter-picking at the character select screen during the first game of a set. Such a request must be made before either player makes any decision at character select. If blind pick is called, then the player who requested it must individually tell the bracket runner all of their selections for the first game (characters, teams, super moves, etc.) that they plan to use. The opposing player will then make their selections for game 1, and then the player who requested blind pick will select what was told to the bracket runner.

Random Select: Any player using "Random Select" to pick their character, must "Random Select" again if they win the match, provided that there is no way to pick a certain character in the random box.

Stage Select: If the players do not agree on a stage, then the match will be random stage select unless the game specific rules dictate otherwise.

Character Lock & Counter-Picking: The winner of each game must keep the same character/team/etc. for the next game of the set. The loser can change his/her selection for the next game. The individual game rules may have more specific details regarding exactly what a winner is or is not allowed to change for the next game of the set. The loser of a game is also allowed to request a side switch for the following game of the set.

Coaching: Players are allowed one coach on stage for streamed matches.

Time Limits: There is a maximum of 60 seconds allowed between games in a set.

Rules During Gameplay:

Pause Penalty: Accidentally pausing the game at any time during the fight will force you to forfeit the current round. The only exceptions are in cases of "inevitable defeat," such as pausing during a cinematic super attack that is 100% guaranteed to KO the other character anyway. If the game was paused due to a controller malfunction, then the offending player may request a new controller and/or use the remaining time of the current round to button check the new controller, so long as this button check isn’t abused to gain resources for the next round. Note that any controller malfunction that does NOT pause the game or interrupt the opponent is NOT a forced forfeit!

Glitches & Bugs: Glitches that halt gameplay entirely (e.g. anything that causes the game to freeze/reset) and exploits that are only possible via hacking or modifying the game are banned. Other glitches will be judged at the tournament organizers' discretion.

Ties: A draw game only affects the score of a set if the in-game scorekeeping says so. (If the in-game win counter increments for both players as a result of a draw, then the draw counts as a win for both players. If the in-game win counter does not change as a result of a draw, then the set count remains unchanged.) The next game of the set, if required, is to be played with identical selections (e.g. both players keep same characters, stage, etc).

Reporting Rule Violations: Rule violations must be reported to tournament staff at the time they occur. Otherwise, they might not be able to be properly addressed. If a player pauses the game to report a rule violation, but the tournament staff concludes that no such violation has occurred, then the player who paused will be penalized accordingly.

Collusion: Collusion of any kind with your competitors is considered cheating. If the Tournament Organizer determines that any competitor is colluding to manipulate the results or intentionally underperforming, the collaborating players may be immediately disqualified. This determination is to be made at the sole discretion of the Tournament Director. Anyone disqualified in this manner forfeits all rights to any titles or prizes they might have otherwise earned for that tournament.