Event Rules
Game Settings Stock and time are set to 3 stock and 7 minutes Final Smash Meter: Off Spirits: Off Damage Handicap: Off Stage Selection: Anyone Items: Off and None Best 2 out of 3 wins Stage Morph: Off Stage Hazards: Off Launch Rate: 1.0x Underdog Boost: Off Pausing: Off Score Display: Off % Show Damage: Yes Custom Balance: Off Mii Fighters: All moveset combinations are legal
Tournament Rules
APSU Smash Ultimate Ruleset Starter Battlefield (No different forms, only original) Final Destination Smashville Town and City Pokemon Stadium 2 Counterpick Small Battlefield Yoshi’s Story Kalos Pokemon League -No Hazards Set Length All tournament sets will be “best of three” games, until the semi-finals at which point tournament sets will be best of 5 games (IF TIME PERMITS, otherwise it will remain best 2 out of 3). Rules below do not change between these two set formats. Character/Stage Pick Procedure Players will begin their set by first performing a double-blind character selection. After characters have been selected, players will begin striking stages. Round one of stage bans will take place with a P1-P1-P2-P2-P1 format, however in subsequent rounds the player who won the previous game will ban 2 stages and the losing player will pick from those that remain. Modified DSR (Dave’s Stupid Rule) is turned on. (This means that players are not allowed to counterpick to the most recent stage that they won on). -Players may select any LEGAL stage if they both agree on it. Players may not play on illegal stages or change the length of a set. If this is violated, both players will be subject to complete disqualification from the event. Stalling Stalling by intentionally making the game unplayable or delaying the play of a set is banned, and this will be judged at the discretion of tournament staff. Stalling will result in a forfeit of the game for the player that initiated the action. Self-Destruct Moves If a game ends with a self-destruct move, the results screen will determine the winner. If a sudden death occurs, a standard sudden death playoff game applies. Sudden Death If a game goes to Sudden Death, the winner is determined by stocks and percentage at the time the game ends. If both players are tied in stocks, the player with the lower percentage is the winner. In the event of a percentage tie, or a game in which both players lose their last stock simultaneously, a 1 stock tiebreaker will be played with a 3 minute time limit. The results of an in-game 300% Sudden Death do not count. If Sudden Death occurs in a Sudden Death game, this process is repeated. Collusion Players suspected of colluding may be immediately disqualified from the tournament. This includes intentionally throwing a game, splitting a payout/prizes(s), or committing any other form of bracket manipulation. The TO reserves the right to deny payout of event winnings/prize(s) to any player suspected of colluding. Misinterpretation/Misconfiguration Games or sets are not to be replayed due to a misinterpretation of the rules or misconfiguration of game settings, excluding player-specific settings. Game settings should be configured according to these rules. It is the players’ responsibility to ask the TO for any clarification of the rule set in the event of a disagreement, and the outcome of a game or set will not be changed after the fact unless under extreme circumstances. Judgment is reserved for tournament staff discretion. Final Rulings If any unforeseen situations occur, the judgment of tournament staff is final. Rules may be altered between phases of a tournament in the best interests of the event. (Example: A game-breaking glitch is discovered on a stage mid-tournament that could be exploited. The stage may need to be removed from legal play for the remainder of the event.)
Game Settings Stock and time are set to 3 stock and 7 minutes Final Smash Meter: Off Spirits: Off Damage Handicap: Off Stage Selection: Anyone Items: Off and None Best 2 out of 3 wins Stage Morph: Off Stage Hazards: Off Launch Rate: 1.0x Underdog Boost: Off Pausing: Off Score Display: Off % Show Damage: Yes Custom Balance: Off Mii Fighters: All moveset combinations are legal