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There are currently no Brackets for this event.
  1. Be on time
  2. Be polite to your opponents and moderators
  3. Use Smash.gg for picks/bans of stages and to communicate to your opponent (pocket.gg can be downloaded as an app for mobile)
  4. Players are to set up their own arenas(max player size of 5, keep lag to a minimum) and communicate the details through smash.gg, so it is easy for both players to join and it allows for commentators to join in, please look for messages from myself on s.gg and await for both/all commentators to be in the spectator stands before starting the match, I will message when we've all joined (2 or 3 commentators max)
  5. If you don't want your matches streamed, let me know, otherwise I will be joining arenas with another commentator(s) and commentating the games live