Event Rules
Unified any rule set will be used with one added stage starter picks
Battlefield final Destination town and City Small Battlefield Hollow bastian
Counterpick Pokémon Stadium 2 Smashville kalos Pokémon League Northern Cave
7 minute timer Three stocks
Tournament Rules
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Singles - Double Elimination - Best of 3, Finals best of 5
7:00 -3 stocks - No items
Starter stages:
Battlefield Final Destination Town & City Small Battlefield Hollow Bastion Counterpick Stages:
Pokemon Stadium 2 Smashville Kalos Pokemon League Ban procedures:
Declare characters before stage bans. Ask TO for double blind picks if needed. RPS to determine who bans first stage game 1 RPS winner bans 1 starter stage, loser bans 2, winner chooses between remaining starters. After each game, the winner of the previous game states if they will change their character. Loser then states if they will change their character. Winner bans 2 stages from full stagelist, loser picks the stage. A player cannot counterpick to the last stage they won on during the set.