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Event Rules

The Wind Waker Randomizer - SpeedGaming Live 2021 Spoiler Log Tournament

See this document for full information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jGuhPBaA51QX7rQi_zpDpdbh3EzfHTml4U6w2K3w8NA/edit#

Tournament Rules

  1. Must agree to and follow our code of conduct https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pAFvM9lp0WcpRgXJkuNAny6-Csuh5x7Z/view
  2. Must be available during the SGLive Event to play matches, no tournaments will be extended
  3. Must stream matches to twitch, create a racetime.gg account, and join this discord.

Each tournament has their own individual rules about webcams, voice calls, gameplay and conduct. Please check each tournament page for complete rules.